Rest time between sets for fat loss
Rest time between sets for fat loss

You can do AB workouts all day long but as long as you have that extra layer of fat on top of the muscle, you simply will not have defined and ripped abs. In order for a chiseled six pack to be visible, defined abdominals simply comes down to decreasing your body fat levels to the point where the top layer of fat over your stomach is decreased and your abdominal muscles show through. Give your abdominal muscles at least 24 hours in between workouts and if you train them very intensely, make sure to give them 48 hours to fully recover. But for other folks whose goals are just like yours and really want to see a difference in how their body looks and performs, the daily routine cannot stay the same! These people do this because they have different goals and that’s okay. For some that might mean walking daily to keep their blood pressure under control. No kidding there aren’t any results when you’re doing the same old boring routine! The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I have seen so many people do the exact same workout everyday and finish it with a “set of sit-ups”! Of course these are usually the same folks who will say, “I just can’t get flat and sculpted abs”. It is important to remember that abs are like any other muscle group, you need to let them recover to repair and grow properly.

rest time between sets for fat loss

Who doesn’t want to flaunt six pack abs of steel and a rock hard core? Good for you, now go for it! Before we get into the specific exercises I recommended for you to try, let’s review several basic rules of any smart exercise program. Also, how many overall exercises should I be doing for each ab workout?

rest time between sets for fat loss

I want to develop 6 pack abs but I’m not sure how many reps per exercise I should be doing for the best results.

Rest time between sets for fat loss